Iron and Vitamin C: Adding vitamin C source to a meal increases absorption of non-heme iron (plant based iron foods) up to six-fold which makes the absorption of non-heme iron as good as heme iron (meat based iron foods) absorption.
- Spinach and strawberries
- lentils and bell peppers
- Millet and butternut squash or brussel sprouts
Vitamin D and Calcium: Having a sufficient amount of vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption. If you live in a sunny place just 10-20 minutes in the sun each day will allow your body to make sufficient vitamin D. If you live in a area that is cloudy most of the time supplementation is more than likely necessary. Other than canned salmon, milk and fortified cereals there are few food sources of vitamin D.
Vitamin A, E, D, K and Fat: All of these vitamins are fat soluble therefore should be eaten with fat rich foods to aid in absorption. Just a small amount is sufficient, such as drizzled olive oil. Avocado and nuts contain both fat and a fat-soluble vitamin.
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