Monday, June 27, 2011 0 comments

Sweet Benefits!


Apricots were the star of the show this week as our team produced more fantastic blendz in the lab.Our newest blend has the sweet flavors of apricot, peaches, and apples that's sure to please a crowd. We love apricots as it is satisfying to the palette, and a healthy treat.

 Here is a list of the health benefits:

-Rich in fiber/aids in food digestion when your little one is constipated.

-Iron & copper is present in apricots which helps treat people who suffer from anemia. When digested, the fruit helps in the formation of hemoglobin.

Other benefits include:
-Reduces oily skin when applied to the body & relieves wonder why apricot is found in facial scrubs.
-The oil of an apricot has been known to relieve asthma.
-The natural oils that are present in an apricot has been known to relieve an earache.

The next time that you enjoy a tasty apricot think of all the health benefits that are packed in the amazing fruit. See you at the market!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 0 comments

Nutrient Combination for Optimal Absorption

Like peanut butter and jelly, some things in life just work better together. While our bodies take in nutrients from foods even when eaten alone, some nutrients are better absorbed when eaten together.

Iron and Vitamin C: Adding vitamin C source to a meal increases absorption of non-heme iron (plant based iron foods) up to six-fold which makes the absorption of non-heme iron as good as heme iron (meat based iron foods) absorption.
  • Spinach and strawberries
  • lentils and bell peppers
  • Millet and butternut squash or brussel sprouts
Vitamin D and Calcium: Having a sufficient amount of vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption. If you live in a sunny place just 10-20 minutes in the sun each day will allow your body to make sufficient vitamin D. If you live in a area that is cloudy most of the time supplementation is more than likely necessary. Other than canned salmon, milk and fortified cereals there are few food sources of vitamin D.

Vitamin A, E, D, K and Fat: All of these vitamins are fat soluble therefore should be eaten with fat rich foods to aid in absorption. Just a small amount is sufficient, such as drizzled olive oil. Avocado and nuts contain both fat and a fat-soluble vitamin.

Sunday, June 12, 2011 0 comments

Cover those bum bums


So I went to a friend's baby shower yesterday and played fabulous games. One of the games that stuck in my mind was a quiz on how well we knew certain customs and information pertaining to babies and the effects of having one. One question that stuck in my mind was how long does a diaper last on Earth before it disintegrates.

 I knew that a diaper lasts awhile after a consumer uses it, but the answer shocked me! For those that do not know the answer, get ready to be amazed. It takes anywhere from 200-500 years as it depends on the company's materials that they use. Yikes!! Talk about a landfill full of diapers, not to mention where they dump the product after the process. Lucky for us there are alternatives to covering our babies bum bums that are Eco-friendly. Cheers to a better planet for our children! Check out what I found: 
You can flush or compost the liner for very speedy results, or you can even toss it -- these decompose in just 2-6 months!