3 to 6 months:
Babble Babble!
Know that your little one is making sounds, go ahead and communicate with him or her. As your baby says "goo" you can say "Wow, what else did you do?" This form of communication encourages positive reinforcment. As your baby starts to understand that you are listening, they will become encouraged to talk away!

Get that Toy!
Tie a piece of yarn around a small stuffed animal, plastic link or teething ring.Hold the item in front of her (within arm length) and sway it from side to side. As your baby begins to reach for the toy they will practice their Eye-Hand Coordination, Fine Motor Skills, and Visual Development.
Tummy Time:
Roll up a towel, or blanket into a long roll and tie it on each side with yarn. Make sure that the roll is tight to avoid unraveling. Lay your baby on his stomach as you gently place the roll under his chest area so that he is lifted by the roll. This will help your baby to raise up and put weight of his forearms. This fun activity will help your baby get ready for crawling as he will creep forward, roll and reach for toys that are placed in front of him. This activity enhances social development, emotional development and upper body strength.

6 months & up:
Hide the Surprise!
Loosley wrap bright colored toys in constrution baby, and let your little one find the "surprise" that's inside. This will allow your baby to rediscover toys, develop problem solving skills, and fine motor skills.
1 Container 2 Container
Gather plastic containers of all sizes and allow your baby to fill them up with toys. Some ideas to fill each container with would include blocks, measuring cups, rattles, and plush toys. make sure to put them each in there own container as it seems more appealing. This activity exercises fine and gross motor skills.
Get out your bubbles and begin to blow! Once the bubbles are in the air, try catching one on the wand and allow your baby to touch it. Say "POP" when the bubble dissolves. This activity promotes hand and eye coordination and establishes cause and effect.Wash your baby's hands after your activity, and make sure that they do not rub their eyes with the solution on their hands.

9 months & up:
Open & Shut
Finally those empty wipe containers can be used for something! Place 3 empty wipe container in a row and allow your baby to put toys inside. Every time your baby opens up the container say open, and close when the container closes. Your baby will learn problem solving, size and shape discrimination, practice using fine motor skills, and spatial awareness.
Ball Drop
Place a mixing bowl, preferrably a metal bowl, out with a variety of balls. You may want to you rubber balls of all shapes, and a tennis ball. Show your baby how to drop the balls into the bowl and listen to the different sounds that they make. This activity allows your baby to practice her hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and grasp and release.
Sing a Little Song
Her are the lyrics, now sing along!
-Nose, nose, jolly red nose
(touch your nose)
and who gave thee that jolly red nose?
(Point to your baby's nose)
Nutmeg and ginger, cinnamon and cloves
(wrinkle up your nose and pretend to sniff your palm of your hands)
that's what gave me this jolly red nose.
(gently tap your baby's nose)
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