Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Money Saving Tricks!

Since gas prices are soaring high, we thought that we could give you a few tricks to keep the grocery budget a bit lower. Any way to save can help! :-) Here are some helpful tips that can help any mom, or dad spend less at the grocery store and still make satisfying and healthy meals. Enjoy!

  • Go shopping alone ( if you take your kids your going to spend a lot more)
  • Have a budget and stick to it
  • Make fewer, larger trips (Create a day to do all your grocery shopping for the week or every two weeks if you can)
  • Don’t shop hungry (the hungrier you are, the more you put into your shopping cart)
  • Plan your meals in advance 
  • Scan your cupboards, pantry, and fridge before leaving ( This allows you to use what you already have to create fantastic meals)
  • Keep a running list of items you need on your fridge

  • Clip (and use!) coupons for name brand items
  • Check the store’s website for printable coupons
  • Avoid non-grocery items that can be bought for less elsewhere
  • Cook from scratch, avoid processed foods (Cost more)
  • Avoid frozen/prepared entrees
  • Eat more fruits/veggies, cut back on meat


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