Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just Say No!

Just say No!

Many of the juices that are on the shelves for children contain high levels of sugar. Due to the increase in sugars a baby may experience baby bottle tooth decay. Baby bottle tooth decay is when a baby drinks juice from a bottle which allows the sugars to sit slowly as it is sucked from the bottle. The sugar turns into a bacteria as it sits in the child’s mouth, and transforms into an acid. Once it is in the form of an acid, it breaks down the enamel of the teeth which causes them decay. Now this can create tooth problems at a young age but the good news is that it’s 100% preventable!

If you choose to allow your child to drink juice, choose 100% juices that contain a minimum amount of sugar. Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables is the best source for children and adults to get the nutrients that they need without the extra sugar. Avoid letting your baby drink juice out of a bottle. By putting juice in a sippy cup the sugar can flow past the child’s teeth which avoids tooth decay. Last, do not let your child drink juice before bed. This process allows the sugars to sit on the teeth while they are sleeping.


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